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Liikennealan virtuaalikongressi “Green and Smart Recovery – Mobility 2.0”

Aika: 10.06.2020, 11:00-17:00
Paikka: Netti

Tervetuloa keskustelemaan älykkäästä ja kestävästä liikenteestä!

Kongressissa keskustellaan kestävistä ja älykkäistä liikenneratkaisuista koronaviruksen jälkeisenä aikana. Tilaisuudessa on tarjolla tietoa mm. digitalisaatiosta, automaatiosta ja kiertotaloudesta. Luvassa on puhujia niin julkiselta kuin yksityiseltäkin sektorilta. 

Kongressi on englanninkielinen. Kongressiin ottavat osaa esimerkiksi liikenne- ja viestintäministeri Timo Harakka ja Helsingin pormestari Jan Vapaavuori.

Tapahtumassa ovat mukana Business Finland, Helsingin kaupunki, Tampereen kaupunki, Traficom, ITS Finland ja Väylävirasto.

Ilmoittaudu tästä.

Lisää tietoa tapahtuman sivuilla.


Do you have what it takes to reinvent your business to survive in the post-covid world? Outsmart your competition and join the leaders of the smart mobility revolution. Reserve your spot at the Green & Smart Recovery – Mobility 2.0 congress on Thursday 11 June 2020 10:00 – 16:00 (CET).

Green recovery, digitalization, automation, circular economy, sustainable investments. These are just a few buzzwords of the mobility sector, but do you really know how to harness these and turn them into a competitive edge for your mobility company? The new normal demands us all to rethink how we function. As people, businesses – and events.

Thus, we are not inviting you to your everyday smart mobility congress. Green & Smart Recovery – Mobility 2.0 is a unique 3D experience that puts you in control of your event journey. So, suit up your avatar and explore the virtual world of smart mobility!

Within one day you’ll have the chance to…

…challenge the views of global though leaders in smart mobility. Joining us are for example

  • Timo Harakka, Minister of Transport and Communications of Finland,
  • Jan Vapaavuori, Mayor of the City of Helsinki,
  • Dr. Tara Shirvani, Lead - EBRD Community of Practice for Disruptive Technologies,
  • Morten Kabell, co-CEO of European Cyclists' Federation and former Mayor of Technical and Environmental affairs of Copenhagen
  • Sampo Hietanen, CEO of MaaS Global
  • Jacob Bangsgaard, CEO, Ertico.
  • Teppo Rantanen, Executive Director of economic policy, competitiveness and innovation, City of Tampere

…pick the brains of the most innovative Finnish mobility companies in the 3D expo theme rooms

- Carbon Neutrality and Resource Efficiency

- Seamless Intermodality and Connectivity

- Mobility as a Service

- High Automation through Refined Data

- Resilient Pilots in Smart Cities

…brainstorm with potential new partners, clients and financiers from around the world and network and let loose with like-minded people during the virtual afterparty of a lifetime with DJ RNo.

So, what are you waiting for – join the mobility revolution!


Julkaistu 25.05.2020