Planning and construction: Project search

The project search includes Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency's development projects and road projects that ELY Centres are responsible for. Ongoing projects are projects that have been issued an implementation decision. Not all ongoing projects are already under construction.

How the project search works:

  1. You can search for projects by phase (in planning, ongoing, completed), transport mode, region or a combination of all of the above.
  2. The search works in such a way that the search criteria are not mutually exclusive. An exception to this is the location criterion. If you have selected a region, the search will only show projects in the selected region.
  3. You can also search projects with a keyword query. For example, enter the name of the city or project that you are looking for in the search box.
Väylä Hankehaku
Project phase
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Development projects for border crossing points

Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency aceds as a coordinator in the development projects of the border crossing points at Raja-Jooseppi, Vartius, Parikkala, Imatra, Vainikkala and Vaalimaa.
Road project Railway project general Kymenlaakso South Karelia Kainuu Lapland Completed

Luumäki-Imatra railway project

Railway project general Ongoing

City Rail Loop (Pisararata)

The City Rail Loop is a planned urban railway line for commuter trains under the Helsinki city centre. The loop-shaped railway starts in Pasila and runs in a tunnel via Töölö, Helsinki city centre, Hakaniemi and back to Pasila.
Railway project general In planning

Lahti Southern Ring Road

Road project general Completed


The NordicWay2 project aims at enhanced traffic safety through Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) and studying road transport automation in snowy and icy conditions.
general Ongoing

E8 Kolari-Kilpisjärvi

The project, Main Road 21 Kolari-Kilpisjärvi, comprises renovation of several road sections between Kolari and Kipisjärvi. The road section in Muonio is being equipped for use as a test road for intelligent transport systems.
Road project general Completed


Digirata-hankkeessa uudistetaan junien kulunvalvonta. Nykyisen järjestelmän käyttöikä päättyy 2030-luvun puoliväliin mennessä ja myös uudet ratalinjaukset vaativat EU:n velvoittamana uudenlaista kulunvalvontaa (ERTMS).
Railway project Satakunta Pirkanmaa Ongoing

Espoo Rail Line

The Espoo Rail Line is one of the projects developing the public transport system in the Helsinki metropolitan area. At the same time, it improves the punctuality and flow of the long-distance traffic in the Turku direction, and the commuter traffic of Karjaa, Kirkkonummi and Espoo.
Espoo Kauniainen Railway project Uusimaa general Uusimaa Espoo Kauniainen Ongoing

Kvarken Fixed Connection Feasibility Study

This feasibility study will provide an overview of the options, needs, costs and impacts of the Kvarken fixed connection.
Railway project Road project Waterway project Ostrobothnia Vaasa In planning


Laurila–Tornio–Haparanda is part of the proposed extension to the TEN-T core network corridor.
Keminmaa Tornio Railway project Lapland general Lapland Keminmaa Tornio Ongoing

Railway project Seinäjoki–Oulu

Railway project general Completed

Ring Rail Line

The Ring Rail Line provides an important public transport link between the main line and the Vantaankoski line, via the airport. The Ring Rail Line was opened in July 2015.
Railway project general Completed

E18 Hamina-Vaalimaa

The E18 Hamina–Vaalimaa project comprises 32 kilometres of new motorway and the related road arrangements. The road section yet to be built is the final section of the E18 motorway, which will cross the country from Turku to the eastern border. The new road is to be built just north of the existing road, which will be parallel.
Road project general Completed

Hailuoto Causeway

Road project general North Ostrobothnia Ongoing
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