
Finnish Transport and Infrastructure Agency maintain several data sets, which belong to the field of application of the European Union's (EU) INSPIRE-directive. These GIS-data sets have been regulated in the National act for Geographical Information Infrastructure(2 § ja 3 §) and INSPIRE-direktiivissä.

Metadata for INSPIRE-data are maintained in the Paikkatietohakemisto. Follow-up on the implementation is automated and based in Finland on the information from Paikkatietohakemisto.

INSPIRE-directive describe 34 data themes. FTIA is responsible for the following:

  • Waterways (locations and safety devices)
  • Railway network
  • Road register
  • Digiroad
  • Channel's sluices
  • General restrictions  for waterways

The data can be accessed through FTIA's Suomen Väylät -service and via API's.

The data regarding air traffic network, which Traficom is responsible for, is publishd in the FTIA's Transport Networks data set.

More information regarding INSPIRE can be found on the webpage of the National Land Surveys of Finland (in Finnish or Swedish). Information on the data sets of the INSPIRE-directive are also described more in detail in the Decree for Geographical Information Infrastructure (Finnish, Swedish).