City Rail Loop (Pisararata)

Railway project In planning

The City Rail Loop is a planned urban railway line for commuter trains under the Helsinki city centre. The loop-shaped railway starts in Pasila and runs in a tunnel via Töölö, Helsinki city centre, Hakaniemi and back to Pasila. 

City Rail Loop (Pisararata)

The City Rail Loop is a planned urban railway line for commuter trains under the Helsinki city centre. The loop-shaped railway starts in Pasila and runs in a tunnel via Töölö, Helsinki city centre, Hakaniemi and back to Pasila.

When the City Rail Loop is realised, part of the commuter trains in the Helsinki region can be diverted to a track section specially designated for them, south of Pasila (currently the K, I, N, P and A trains).

The planning of the City Rail Loop was done 2012-2017. The city plan has been approved but the decision on the construction has not yet been verified.

The zoning plan concerning the City Rail Loop has been on the agenda in the Helsinki City Planning Committee. The zoning plan reserves space for underground and overground structures of the City Rail Loop, such as rail tunnels, stations and their entrances, rescue and service tunnels and ventilation gaps.

The zoning plan also determines the location of the tunnel entrances planned in the areas of Vauhtitie and Alppipuisto as well as the location of the bridge to be built at Vauhtitie.

Growing number of passengers

The public transport system must be able to accommodate a continuously growing number of passengers. At present there are nearly 1.4 million inhabitants in the Helsinki region. This number is expected to increase by 40,000 this decade and by more than 400,000 during the next few decades.

The City Rail Loop will enable efficient railway traffic in a large area. As a result of the new railway section, rail capacity can be freed up on the now too congested stretch between Helsinki and Pasila, allowing trains to run at more frequent intervals.

The City Rail Loop will make the city centre more accessible with trains running directly to Töölö and Hakaniemi. It will also improve the connections to e.g. the Olympic Stadium, the Helsinki Ice Hall and the Opera and draw more customers to the businesses in the area.