Navigating the waterways
Instructions to mariners
1.11.2021 The channel depth practice in Finland - principles and implementation
16.11.2021 Fairway terminology
4/20.10.2009 Telemedical Assistance Service (TMAS) to be transferred to MRCC/MRSCs
3/20.10.2009 Act on Enhancing the Competitiveness of Ships engaged in Sea Transport
14/20.12.2005 Guidelines for the application of the Finnish-Swedish ice class rules
11/2005 Vessel Traffic Service Act and Decree
Channel depth practice in Finland
The instruction on the channel depth practice in Finland published by the Finnish Transport Agency includes draught concepts associated with channels, the principles for interpreting these concepts, estimating the required gross underkeel clearance and for indicating channel depths in nautical charts.
The channel depth practice in Finland - principles and implementation
The squat calculation programme is an instrument for calculation of squat as a function of its speed in any cross section of the channel.
Accessibility statement of squat calculation
Navigation in the Saimaa Canal and Lake Saimaa
Information about navigation in the Saimaa Canal and Lake Saimaa