Kerkonkoski Canal
Kymijoki River Basin
Keitele-Iisvesi-Pielavesi route
Nautical chart: 447
Permitted vessel dimensions
35.0 x 7.5 x 2.4 x 5.5 [m]
(Length x width x draught x height)
Mooring: Own ropes.
Services: Kerkonkoski service harbour below the lock. A kiosk.
Difference in water level: 5.40 - 5.60 metres
The canal connects Niinivesi and Kiesimänjärvi. The 1110 m-long canal was built in 1919-26. The clearance for the fixed bridge that crosses the canal is 5.5 metres.
Self-service lock. When approaching from below (Niinvesi), the self-service starter cord and the instructions for its use are located on the wall of the lower canal on the right near the bridge, and when approaching from above (Kiesiäjärvi), these are on the top canal wall on the right.
Please note: The water level changes rapidly during locking. When travelling down the lock make sure the rope has room to run freely. Locking water is flooded through tunnels at the bottom of the lock, meaning there is no flow in the direction of the lock.
Contact information for the canal
GSM 0400-152,904
Self-service canal.