Luumäki-Imatra railway project

Railway project Ongoing

A double-track railway is being built on the line Joutseno–Imatra, replacing the current single-track railway. The current track on the line Luumäki–Joutseno is also being improved. The project also comprises renovations to reduce the maintenance backlog on the Saimaa Canal Railway Bridge, the Mansikkakoski Railway Bridge and the underpass on the old Main Road 6.

The project will be completed in 2024 according to the target schedule.

Luumäki-Imatra railway project

A double-track railway is being built on the line Joutseno–Imatra, replacing the current single-track railway. The current track on the line Luumäki–Joutseno is also being improved. The project also comprises renovations to reduce the maintenance backlog on the Saimaa Canal Railway Bridge, the Mansikkakoski Railway Bridge and the underpass on the old Main Road 6. According to the target schedule, the project will be completed in 2024.


The railway project Luumäki–Imatra ("LUIMA") will be taking place in an area that belongs to Luumäki municipality and the cities of Lappeenranta and Imatra. The line section Luumäki–Imatra is one of the busiest single-track railways in Finland, and traffic volumes are expected to increase significantly. The link is important, not only for freight transport, but also for the passenger transport routes Helsinki–Kouvola–Imatra–Joensuu and Helsinki–Vainikkala–St Petersburg/Moscow.

The project comprises a total length of 56 kilometres.


The LUIMA project aims to develop the level of service on the railway line by improving capacity, operational reliability and disruption management. The project objective is to improve the operating conditions for freight transport as well as the level of service in passenger transport. Upon completion, the project will help to maintain and develop the competitiveness of trade and industry. It will also increase the comfort of residents and others by reducing traffic-related noise and emissions.


The project has received € 210 million in funding.

The first bridge projects started in 2018, when the construction of the old underpass 6 and the new bridge over the Saimaa Canal began. The contract for the Mansikkakoski railway bridge started in January 2019. The construction of five new underpasses for the future Joutseno-Imatra dual track section began in May 2019. The first track construction project for the double track section was launched in September 2019 and the second in November 2019.

Welado is the construction client of the LUIMA project.