The Finnish Transport Agency's open data licence

Finnish Transport Agency's old open data license was in use until 2014. It's still valid for materials which were downloaded when the license was in use. Finnish Transport Agency grants all users the right to apply the Creative Commons 4.0 BY license to any material that was downloaded with the old open data license. The material does not have to be downloaded again.

The Finnish Transport Agency's open data licence

1. General information

The Finnish Transport Agency (hereinafter the Licensor), as the holder of the incorporeal rights to the data, has granted a licence to use a copy of the data or part of it (hereinafter data) on the terms and conditions mentioned below.

A Licensee is a natural or legal person, who uses the data covered by this licence. The Licensee accepts the terms and conditions of this licence by receiving the data covered by this licence.

This licence agreement does not create a cooperation or business relationship between the Licensee and the Licensor.

2. Terms and conditions of the licence

2.1. Right of use

This licence grants a worldwide, free of charge and irrevocable parallel right of use to open data. According to the terms and conditions of the licence, data received by the Licensor can be freely:

  • copied, distributed and published,
  • modified and utilised commercially and non-commercially,
  • combined with other products and
  • used as part of an application or service.

2.2. Duties and responsibilities of the Licensee

When distributing the data or an product including the data, the Licensee should in a reasonable way, in the distribution media or application used:

  • mention the name of the Licensor, of the data and the time of the data transfer (for example: contains information received from the Finnish Transport Agency 09/2013)
  • present a copy of this licence or a link to it, and
  • demand that the corresponding terms and conditions are cited to a third party granted right of use to the data copies, products or services containing the data, and
  • omit the name of the Licensor in connection with the productor service, on the request of the Licensor.

The Licensee must not in connection with the data that is being used indicate that the Licensor supports or recommends the way in which the data in question is used.

2.3 Duties and responsibilities of the Licensor

The Licensor shall ensure that

  • the Licensor has the right to transfer the rights to the data covered by this licence.

The data has been transferred "as is", and the Licensor

  • shall  not be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the data, disclaims any warranty for the validity or up-to-date status of the data and shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from the use of data provided by the Licensor,
  • and is not obliged to ensure the continuous availability of the data, nor to announce in advance the interruption or cessation of availability, and the Licensor shall be free from liability for direct or consequential damages arising from any such interruption or cessation.

3. Jurisdiction

Finnish law shall apply to this licence.

4. Amendments to this licence

The Licensor may at any time change the terms and conditions of the licence or apply a different licence to the data. The terms and conditions of this licence shall, however, still apply to such data that has been transferred prior to the amendments to the terms and conditions or the change of the licence.