Open data news for Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency

The FTIA's Open Data Usage Video has been released. The video introduces the FTIA's comprehensive open data mapping service, Suomen Väylät and demonstrates the utilization of open APIs with QGIS software. Link to the video (In Finnish)
New thematic maps available via Suomen Väylät -mapservice:
- Repair dept:
- Road traffic volumes:
The data of thematic maps are also available via open data (WMS/WFS services).
FTIA's old WMS/WFS services will be taken down after 31.1.2023. The old services will no longer be in use. Information about FTIA's new WMS/WFS services can be found on the Open API -page.
FTIA has published a QGIS-plugin, which enables search-features in terms of road- ands street adresses. More information regarding the plugin can be found via FTIA's GitHub.
Noise data from roads and railways in year 2022 has been published via our open data: open API & Download- and viewing service.
Public road data from Tievelho has been published via our open data: open API & Download- and viewing service.
Historical road network data (since 2009) has been published as open data via the AVA-service.
The distribution for open traffic measurement data This is an external link (Liikenteen automaattiset mittaustiedot, LAM) has moved to Fintraffic. The data is available from its new service in the same formats as before via Digitraffic (link).
The service for open data distribution (Aineiston välitysalusta - AVA) is being updated. The address of the new service is:
We'll inform here when data is moved to the new service. "The old AVA-service" will be in use until end of January 2022.
The distribution for open traffic measurement data (Liikenteen automaattiset mittaustiedot, LAM) will be moved to Fintraffic in January 2022 . The data will available from its new service in the same formats as before. More information on exact dates and URL for the new service will be published on this page and Fintraffic's Digitraffic-service as soon as possible.
The Excel user interface for Viitekehysmuunnin (location reference converter) moves to
The new address is already available for use. The old address was taken off use officially 1st of December 2021 and concretely 14th of January 2022.
The functionality of the interface will remain the same in the new address, with some exceptions:
• You can use a column named Tunniste (identifier) in the input file if you wish to add an identifier for the row.
• You can add a column named Väylän luonne or Tie (lead type or road number) to an input file with the type XY if you wish to target the search to a given lead type or a road.
Please note that if you use a Tie-column here then one row in the input file can produce two rows into the output file (one for each track 1 and 2 if the search result is located on one of these neighboring tracks). Hence it is advisable to use Tunniste if you search with XY + Tie.
• The Katuosoite-column is split into Katunimi- and Katunumero-columns in the output file.
The functionality of the Excel user interface will be developed further in the coming spring. If you have any questions about the interface, please contact us at [email protected].
There will be changes in FTIA’s GIS services from late 2021 to early 2022.
GIS services move to operate in cloud environment, which means changes in URLs and in information content. Also, a new map service called Suomen Väylät will be launched.
The BETA version for Open API’s are ready for testing:
Please note that the road data is only a sample data set from Velho and Digiroad data is not yet visible.
Converter-API (Viitekehysmuunnin) URL changes are following:
(Old URLs will be out of use from 30th of November 2021.)
The new URL for converter-API is:[parameters]
Swagger URL:
Excel converter-API:
Further changes will be informed in time. More information in Finnish in our newsletter.
Data regarding condition and maintenance for tracks is published. Check them out and take into use via open API or Download and viewing service
The url for the converter-API (Viitekehysmuunnin) is changing during this fall. More infromation can be found in this document (link - in Finnish only).
New open railway-datasets available: axle counter, track section and track circuit. Check them out and take into use via open API or Download and viewing service Tämä on ulkoinen linkki
We have published a guide how to download data in eg. csv-format via the open WFS-interfaces. Check out the guide here (in Finnish only)
New railway-data availabel: eg. regarding safety devices and electric track. Check them out and take into use via open API or Download and viewing service Tämä on ulkoinen linkki
A study on the use of FTIA's data is now ready. FTIA's data is seen as very necessary and private sector is the largest external user for the data. A summary of the results and the report can be viewrd here (only in Finnish).
Railway-data from the old database called Ratapurkki is no longer available via open data. Ratapurkki-data is being replaced by new railway-datasets from Ratainfnratietojen hallintajärjestelmä.
A podcast-series is being recorded on FTIA's data and services. The first episode considering GIS-data is now published and can be streamed here (in Finnish only).
A QGIS-workspace for using open infrastructure data is published. The workspace can be found and downloaded via our platform for downloading open data.Detta är en extern länkDetta är en extern länk
An educative video for using open infrastructure data is published and can be viewed on the page for open API
A deep study on the use of infrastructure data is going on. A survey for users is open from 18.1. to 22.2.2021 (in finnish only). Feel free to take part and effect the future of infrastructure data and their services. You can access the survey via this link.
28 new railway-related datasets are published: eg. regarding geotecnical objects, superstructures, services, administrative data and monitoring equipment. You can find them through the Download and viewing service and open API's.
Hydrophysical waters and Management restriction and regulation zones are published as INSPIRE-data through the Download and viewing service and open API's.
A new version of the Viitekehysmuunnin-service (VKM) is published. The old version will still be available for a while. More information in the open API's page.
Multi-track railway data is now available as open data for the whole Finland through the Download- and viewing service and open API's.
Project and plan data are now available through the Download- and Viewing service and open API.
Data for public transportation ("Vallu järjestelmän linja-autoreitit") is not anymore available through the Download- and Viewing service. Traficom is nowadays responsible for the data and it can be found here:
The first open datasets from the database Ratko (Railway network) is published. Railway network signs, Level crossings and its sublayers Warning devices, Signs and Surfaces can be found from the Download- and Viewing service and FTIA's open APIs.
Finnish traffic signs are now published as an open QGIS-library (SVG vector format) in GitHubissa (Note! BETA-versio, documentation in Finnish only). The collection include former traffic signs and the new ones of the new Road Traffic Act from 1.6.2020 and a QGIS-script for visializations. Traffic signs are named by their unique code: more information can be found on FTIA's webpage for traffic signs.
INSPIRE-datasets are now updated. Data for Transport Network can be found in the Download and Viewing Service and thorugh Interfaces. Data for channel sluices and restriction areas are under progress.
Field for the map layer Railway Level Crossing "HUOMAUTUS", "KANSILISAT" and "VARLAHUOM" in the Download and Viewing Service are emptied. Railway network data from Ratapurkki are no longer being
updated, but are still offered throught the Download and Viewing Service. Railway network data from Ratko are under progress. More information on the Raide-e -project, where a maintenance system for mastering railway data, called Ratko, is being developed.
Webpage for FTIA's open data has been updated. The GIS-data -pages have been merged to the open data pages and the content of the sites have been gone through and translated to Swedish and English. Information regarding open API's can be found on the Interfaces (API) -page.
Nautical maps have moved to Traficom (Finnish Transport and Communication Agency).
The data can be found through the following services (Map service and open API):
Depth data can still be downloaded through the open data service of FTIA.
The services can also be found from the national map service called Paikkatietoikkuna and Metadata from Paikkatietohakemisto.
More information on Nautical Maps and its GIS-services can be found on Traficom's website:
Potential questions can be asked from: [email protected]