National Travel Survey

The Purpose of the Survey
The passenger transport survey can be used to form an overall picture of the travel habits of Finns and the demographic, geographic and temporal variations in travel. The survey can be used to assess trip counts, travel times and travel distances.
The purpose of the survey is to collect basic information about the mobility of Finnish people. This information is of assistance when improving mobility possibilities and traffic safety as well as in attempting to reduce the environmental impacts of transport.
Basic Information
The National Travel Survey provides high quality research data and information needed for transport planning such as information on travel modes in addition to an overall view of mobility and its influencing factors. The National Travel Survey provides base data for diverse transport related research.
Because travel habits and opportunities change over time, the passenger transport survey is repeated at set intervals. The first survey was conducted in 1974. You can find information about the 1998-1999, 2004-2005, 2010-2011 and 2016 surveys from these pages. These constitute the most up to date research into the daily travel patterns of Finnish people.
Basic information about the 2016, 2010-2011, 2004-2005 and 1998-1999 passenger transport surveys:
- The population of the study consists of in age six years and over and census registered people in Finland excluding residents of Åland.
- In 2016, ten urban areas participated the survey with their additional samples. The size of the national survey sample was approximately 22 000 and together with the urban area samples the total was approximately 70 000. The data was collected throughout the year and the sample size for the one study day was approximately 175 persons, including the urban area additional samples.
- The 2010-2011 survey data was collected from June 2010 to May 2011 and included all the days in a one year period. The sample size was 22 518. The sample size for one study day was 60-62 persons.
- The 2004-2005 survey data was collected from June 2004 to May 2005 and included all the days in a one year period. The sample size was 20 075. The sample size for one study day was 55.
- The 1998-1999 survey data was collected from July 1998 to June 1999 and included all the days in a one year period. The sample size was 18 250. The sample size for one study day was 50.
The 2016 National Travel Survey was conducted using a method different from the previous studies. Therefore, comparability to previous studies cannot be quaranteed.