Instructions for transit through Saimaa Canal

All eight canal locks have the same dimensions and technology. The maximum ship size is 82.5 x 12.6 x 4.35 metres and the maximum clearance is 24.5 metres. If the boat has a VHF radio telephone, it must be on continuously on channel 9 (Saimaa VTS) and 11 (locks) while in Saimaa Canal.

Saimaan kanavan sulkujen ylävesikorkeudet meren pinnasta.

Maximum water levels in Saimaa Canal locks from sea level

1. Brusnitchnoe Lock

VHF 11, call name: Brusnitchnoe Tel. + 358 (0)295 34 4159. Brusnitchnoe is the lowest of the locks making it the first when approaching from the sea. Its clearance is 10.0 metres.
The floating fastening bollards are on the east side of the lock chamber.

- canal builders' monument
- old Juustila Lock 

Overnight stays
- Above the lock, on the side with the pilot station.

2. Iskrovka Lock

VHF 11, call name: Iskrovka Tel. + 358 (0)295 34 4159. Remote use from the Brusnitchnoe Lock. The fall height of Iskrovka Lock is 11.4 metres. Mooring is forbidden at the top and bottom harbours on the east side. Mooring and waiting is only permitted on the west side of the lock’s front harbour. The floating fastening bollards are on the east side of the lock chamber.

3. Cvetotchnoe Lock

VHF 11, call name: Chetotchnoe Tel. +358 295 34 4159 or +358 295 34 4157. The fall height of Chetotchnoe Lock is 5.5 metres. Mooring at the eastern bottom harbour is only permitted behind the pier. The floating fastening bollards are on the west side of the lock chamber. The lock is in remote use (see more on the Saimaa Vessel Traffic Centre)

4. Ilistoe Lock

VHF 11, call name: Ilistoe Tel. + 358 (0)295 34 4157. The fall height of Ilistoe Lock is 10.2 metres. Mooring on the west side of the lock’s bottom harbour is forbidden. Mooring and waiting at the front harbour is only permitted on the east side of the lock. The floating fastening bollards are on the east side of the lock chamber. The lock is in remote use (see more on the Saimaa Vessel Traffic Centre)

5. Pälli Lock

VHF 11, call name Pälli Tel. + 358 (0)295 34 4157. The fall height of Pälli Lock is 11.7 metres. Mooring on the east side of the lock’s bottom harbour is forbidden. The floating fastening bollards are on the west side of the lock chamber. The lock is in remote use. (see Saimaa Vessel Traffic Centre

The national border crossing is in Lake Nuijamaa. After crossing the national border, a mandatory customs and passport inspection is carried out at the pier on the north shore of Lake Nuijamaa. The pier fairway’s draught is 2.4 metres.

Leisure crafts are fastened to a concrete pontoon pier, draught 1.8 metres.  If the draught of the boat is between 1.8 and 2.4 metres, the boat must be moored behind the cargo vessel inspection pier.

5B. Kansola Roller Bridge

VHF 11 call name: Kansola Tel. +358 295 34 4157 Soskua Lock
Kansola Roller Bridge is controlled remotely.  Requests for opening the bridge are either made via the aforementioned contact types or with the call button located at the waiting harbour. Steer your boat near the bridge which is to be opened so that the bridge is open for as short a period as possible.

6. Sosku Lock

VHF 11, call name: Soskua tel. + 358 (0)295 34 4157. The fall height of Soskua Lock is 8.3 metres.
The floating fastening bollards are on the west side of the lock chamber. The lock is in remote use.

7. Mustola Lock

VHF 11 call name: Mustola Tel. + 358 (0)295 34 4157. Mustola lock fall height is 7.2 m. The lock in remote use. The floating fastening bollards are on the west side of the lock chamber.

8. Mälkiä Lock

VHF 11, call name Mälkki Tel. + 358 (0)295 34 4157. The fall height of Mälkiä Lock is 12.4 metres. When entering Saimaa Canal from Lake Saimaa, you can request access from Mälkiä Lock either with a VHF radio or the telephone located at the mouth of the canal. Waiting area for boats in the upper harbour on the east side. * The floating fastening bollards are on the east side of the lock chamber. The lock is in remote use.
The Saimaa Vessel Traffic Centre is located next to the lock. Open 24 hours a day.

- East of the lock, the old Mälkiä lock group from 1856
- Channel museum.

Saimaa Vessel Traffic Centre

Saimaa Vessel Traffic Centre is located next to the Mälkiä Lock. The building houses Saimaa VTS and the remote use of Saimaa Canal. All eight of the locks in the canal and the canal’s seven movable bridges can be controlled from the Saimaa Canal Remote Control Centre. The canal’s three lowest locks and three movable bridges can be controlled from the Brusnitchnoe control centre.

Driving into locks

Vessels must enter the lock immediately after the green lights have switched on. Comply with all instructions provided by canal personnel during group locking.

Mooring during locking

Use sufficiently large fenders, at least 4.

Kiinnitys ylös- ja alaspäin mentäessä.

Direction of travel

Mooring when travelling up the lock: Fastening with a straight rope firmly to the floating bollard on the wall of the lock. Mooring at the middle of the vessel. If no other boats are entering the lock, fasten your boat to the first floating bollard at the bottom gate.

Mooring when travelling down the lock: The same type of fastening loop on the back of the boat. If no other boats have entered the lock, fasten your boat to the first floating bollard at the bottom gate.