Transport system planning

Planning is used by the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency to promote solutions which improve the functionality and safety of travel and transport chains, as well as boosting the efficiency of the transport system, while taking into account the environmental perspective.

Effective travel and transport through multimodal collaboration

The key sections of the road and railway networks, in addition to the main ports and air ports, form the basis for planning the national transport system.

The strategic planning of the transport system at national level comprises:

Draft policies of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (e.g. the future review and government resolutions)
Policies of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency (a long-term plan for the transport system)
Policy guidelines (the government programme, the transport policy report)

Regional transport system planning comprises:

Mutual plans among several regions
Transport system plans by regions
Transport system plans by sub-regions

Regional transport system planning

Regional transport system planning is tasked with gathering together local actors to discuss which issues are important to that particular area, which measures should local activities focus on, and which matters or projects would they prefer to be handled by the state.

The transport system plan comprises a common policy drawn up by local actors describing the important issues to that particular area and a vision of which activities and measures should be prioritised, prepared in cooperation with state administration.

The starting points for planning are, on the one hand, development targets for the area that go beyond the transport sector and, on the other hand, national transport policy goals and limitations.

Transport system work is an ongoing process, aimed at influencing the development of the transport system as a whole through cooperation among various actors. The development of the transport system is closely related to reconciling the operating conditions for land use, housing, services, and trade and industry.

Transport system work is a prerequisite for land-use planning. It also ensures the long-term development of the trunk network of land transport and the efficient use of economic resources.

The state is participating in the transport system work of regions and urban areas, meaning letters of intent, monitoring and the drafting of plans.

New perspectives on the work are provided by the provision and planning of public transport, the development of mobility management, and letters of intent between the state and municipalities concerning land use, housing and transport.

The reconciliation of land use and transport is important in areas where land use is developing rapidly. The key goals are a sustainable community structure and competitive public transport.