Terms of use

Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency's open data is licensed under the Creative Commons 4.0 By license. Creative Commons 4.0 By is recommended by JHS-189 as an open data license for public authorities in Finland. It gives the right to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation.

Creative Commons 4.0 By requires that you attribute the work in the manner specified by the author of the data.

Attribution guidelines

Creative Commons 4.0 By requires that you attribute the work in the manner specified by the author of the data.  In practice this means that you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made when publishing your work.

Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency requires the following for attribution:

  • The copyright notice of the material must be preserved. The copyright notice may also include the publishing date and version number of the material, publisher name and other data that is required for identification of the material.
  • Typical warranties, disclaimers amd limitations of liability must be preserved. If technically possible, the material must include a hyperlink to the web site of the original material.
  • If the material has beem modified, it must be accompanied with a notice describing the modification and a hyperlink to the website of the original material.
  • The material must be accompanied with an indication that the material is licensed under the Creative Commons 4.0 By license and with a hyperlink to the license.

Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency may request removal of the attribution information from your work to the extent reasonably practicable.

Examples for attribution

example: using Digiroad data that was aquired from our download service as a part of a printed publication. The Digiroad data in the publication needs to be attributed like this:

Source: Digiroad, Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency. Data is downloaded from the Download- and Viewing Service of Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency on 01.06.2015 under the license CC 4.0  BY.

example: Using waterway data from the API and publishing it as a part of another service or apllication. The following text should be visible to the user:

Source: Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency / Open API, license CC 4.0 BY

More information on the attribution can be found on Creative Common's website.

Applying old licenses

Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency's old open data license was in use until 2014. It's still valid for materials which were downloaded when the license was in use.

Finnish Transport Agency grants all users the right to apply the Creative Commons 4.0 BY license to any material that was downloaded with the old open data license. The material does not have to be downloaded again.


Data of other data providers

Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency have received licenses for data of external data providers. FTIA can share these data to a third paty for assignments that are ordered by FTIA.

In case of sharing the data FTIA requires a written commitment including the following:

  • data is only used for the ordered assignment
  • licenses of the data are followed
  • data is destryed after the assignment

The commitment requires a signature from the ordering party.