Topics of the lectures:
Human and organisational factors
- Cybersecurity
- New railway technology
- Rail property management
- Fossil-free transport
- Railway transport
- Transport and land use
- Evaluation of impact of track projects
- Digitisation of rail transport
- The modern tramway
- Ensuring skills and knowledge
- Rail projects
Some of the lectures will be in English
Rata2023 programme (pdf)
Presentation material
You can find presentation materials as a zip-file according the topic. Most of the material is in Finnish. There are some materials missing - we update all of them to this site during January.
- Avajaistilaisuuden esitykset
- Liikenne ja maankäyttö
- English seminars, part 1
- English seminars, part 2
- Moderni raitiotie
- Omaisuuden hallinta
- Ratahankkeet
- Liikennesuunnittelu
- Tulevaisuuden liikenne
- Rautatietekniikka
- Kyberturvallisuus
- Inhimilliset ja organisatoriset tekijät
- Digirata
- Tiedon digitalisaatio
- Osaamisen varmistaminen