Illustrational picture of a road.
Truck on a motorway.
Hailuoto Causeway
The plan is to build a causeway between Riutunkari in Oulu and Huikku on Hailuoto Island. The causeway will replace the current ferry service. The causeway will be approximately 8.4 kilometres long, and it will consist of a road running on top of an embankment and long bridges in Huikku and Riutunkari.
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Illustrational picture of a rail.
Luumäki-Imatra railway project
A double-track railway is being built on the line Joutseno–Imatra, replacing the current single-track railway. The current track on the line Luumäki–Joutseno is also being improved. The project also comprises renovations to reduce the maintenance backlog on the Saimaa Canal Railway Bridge, the Mansikkakoski Railway Bridge and the underpass on the old Main Road 6.
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Development projects for border crossing points
The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency acts as a coordinator in six infrastructure development projects at the border crossing points of Raja-Jooseppi, Vartius, Parikkala, Imatra, Vainikkala and Vaalimaa funded jointly by the European Union and Finland. The projects will be implemented between 2019 and 2022.
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Back We achieved important milestones at numerous sites

We achieved important milestones at numerous sites

Published 12.12.2024

In addition to our fully completed projects, several other projects achieved significant milestones or reached their construction stage.

Bridge construction yard.

The construction work for the Espoo City Railway project was launched already at the start of the year in January. The project includes the development of two additional tracks and improving the station areas on the coastal line between Leppävaara and Kauklahti. After the project is complete, long-distance and commuter train traffic on the coastal line will be separated into separate tracks, helping to streamline train traffic, reduce disruptions, improve punctuality, and increase the line’s capacity.

The Espoo Rail Line has seen a significant amount of construction already during its first year. The summer stretch of the work also involved an exceptionally long and extensive five-week service interruption – a difficult but necessary part of the project, as the construction also extended to tracks that are currently in use. Similar exceptional arrangements for rail traffic will also be necessary during the project’s future construction periods.

Kuva, jossa näytetään Espoon kaupunkiradan työmaata ennen ratakatkoa, katkon aikana ja katkon jälkeen.

Photo: The five-week interruption on the Espoo Rail Line included plenty of construction.

“During the five-week interruption, we were able to carry out a lot of work on tracks and platforms that are currently in use, as well as on structures in the line’s immediate vicinity. The most significant sites for blasting and excavation work last summer were the rock cuts east of Kilo Station and west of Tuomarila Station and Espoo Centre. We also built new bridges, installed pile slabs and electric railway structures, and carried out soil replacements,” explains Project Manager Tommi Rosenvall.

May saw the start of construction at another much-anticipated and long-term preparation project, the Hailuoto Causeway. The project’s goal is to build a ferry traffic-replacing causeway between Riutunkari in Oulu and Huikku on Hailuoto Island. The causeway will be approximately 8.4 km long, and it will include a road that runs on top of the embankment and lengthy bridges at Huikku and Riutunkari. The project’s brisk pace of construction will continue throughout the winter. The end of the crushed-rock embankment will reach the work bridge by Christmas, providing construction vehicles with access to the entire causeway.

Hailuodon kiinteän yhteyden rakennustyömaa talvella ilmasta kuvattuna.

Photo: Construction at the Hailuoto causeway will continue throughout the winter.

The Kupittaa–Turku railway project includes the construction of a double track between Kupittaa and Turku railway station and the development of passenger and freight yards in Turku. Once completed, the project will increase the capacity of rail traffic on the entire coastal line while also enhancing the accessibility of travel, among many other benefits. This extensive and multi-year railway project made significant strides throughout the year.

“The Nummi underpass and Aura River Railway Bridge, which support the new double track, have now been completed and will be fully commissioned in December. In addition, the pedestrian and cycling route was moved to the new Raunistula Bridge at the turn of November and December. All in all, 2024 has proven to be a pivotal year for the realisation of the double track between Kupittaa and Turku,” says Project Manager Erkki Mäkelä.  

Aurajoen ratasilta ilmasta kuvattuna.

Photo: The Aura River Railway Bridge is now complete.


On Thursday, 24 October, a significant milestone was reached in the renovation of the Kirjalansalmi and Hessundinsalmi bridges on Road 180 – the only road connection to Pargas and the Turku Archipelago – with the opening of the new Hessundinsalmi Bridge for traffic. The introduction of the new Kirjalansalmi Bridge will take place about one year from now.  

“The new Hessundinsalmi Bridge fits practically seamlessly into its surrounding landscape. The bridge’s slender structure features a lot of design and technical expertise, for example in the concrete joints for its slanted legs. In fact, the Hessundinsalmi Bridge’s span makes it one of the largest frame bridge structures ever built in Finland,” notes Project Manager Janne Wikström.

Photo: The nearly completed Hessundinsalmi Bridge in September 2024.

In addition to road and rail projects, progress was made in waterway projects helmed by the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency. The widening of the Vaasa fairway has progressed to the competitive tendering phase, and the plan is to initiate development during the open water season in the summer of 2025. The development and planning of the project for improving the Tornio fairway also advanced this year, and the project will soon be ready for implementation. The project for deepening the Koverhari fairway in Hanko also involved development planning and tendering-related preparations.