Illustrational picture of a road.
Truck on a motorway.
Hailuoto Causeway
The plan is to build a causeway between Riutunkari in Oulu and Huikku on Hailuoto Island. The causeway will replace the current ferry service. The causeway will be approximately 8.4 kilometres long, and it will consist of a road running on top of an embankment and long bridges in Huikku and Riutunkari.
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Illustrational picture of a rail.
Luumäki-Imatra railway project
A double-track railway is being built on the line Joutseno–Imatra, replacing the current single-track railway. The current track on the line Luumäki–Joutseno is also being improved. The project also comprises renovations to reduce the maintenance backlog on the Saimaa Canal Railway Bridge, the Mansikkakoski Railway Bridge and the underpass on the old Main Road 6.
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Development projects for border crossing points
The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency acts as a coordinator in six infrastructure development projects at the border crossing points of Raja-Jooseppi, Vartius, Parikkala, Imatra, Vainikkala and Vaalimaa funded jointly by the European Union and Finland. The projects will be implemented between 2019 and 2022.
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null Important news regarding the next material publication from Digiroad

Important news regarding the next material publication from Digiroad

Published 23.3.2023

During the spring of 2023 Digiroad will move to use continually updating road links from the national topographic database: the break of road link geometry updates will continue and there will be a break in the material publications.

Lorry in traffic.

Since May of 2022 Digiroad started the progress of transferring to the National Land Survey of Finland’s national topographic database of road links. Thus, the update of road links was suspended. In November of 2022 the road link identifiers were changed to the national topographic database identifiers. Currently, the staff of Digiroad is implementing a permanent switch to the continually updating road links that are retrieved form the national topographic database.

Digiroad still utilizes a static road web that illustrates the scenarios and conditions of 2022. The goal is to move to the continually updating road links in the spring of 2023 when necessary capacity is reached. Normal upgrades of the Digiroad data types have continued as normal during this transition.

Digiroa data can be found in the material publication that was published on 29.12.2022. In this publication you can find the newly opened road projects Vt 3 (highway 3) of Hämeenkyrönväylä and Vt 8 (highway 8) of the center of Eurajoki. The next data publication 1/2023 will be produced when Digiroad has moved to the continually updated road links and when the geometry of road links is up to date. Unfortunately, there is no set date but the aim is to develop the publication during the spring. 

For this on-going transition, there is some missing information regarding road links and addresses. This concerns The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency’s download and brows -service as well as the WFS’s and WMS’s interface services. This issue will be tackled when the transition to continually updated road links is made. 

Follow our news broadcast! Fore more information contact the Digiroad operator at [email protected] and 040 507 2301 (weekdays at 9-16 pm). 

This is an old article. It may contain deprecated information and the links may not work. Our publications can be found in the Doria publication archive