Illustrational picture of a road.
Truck on a motorway.
Hailuoto Causeway
The plan is to build a causeway between Riutunkari in Oulu and Huikku on Hailuoto Island. The causeway will replace the current ferry service. The causeway will be approximately 8.4 kilometres long, and it will consist of a road running on top of an embankment and long bridges in Huikku and Riutunkari.
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Illustrational picture of a rail.
Luumäki-Imatra railway project
A double-track railway is being built on the line Joutseno–Imatra, replacing the current single-track railway. The current track on the line Luumäki–Joutseno is also being improved. The project also comprises renovations to reduce the maintenance backlog on the Saimaa Canal Railway Bridge, the Mansikkakoski Railway Bridge and the underpass on the old Main Road 6.
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Development projects for border crossing points
The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency acts as a coordinator in six infrastructure development projects at the border crossing points of Raja-Jooseppi, Vartius, Parikkala, Imatra, Vainikkala and Vaalimaa funded jointly by the European Union and Finland. The projects will be implemented between 2019 and 2022.
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Back building Smart Data Dictionary Open database (bSDD) responds to future problems in route data management

building Smart Data Dictionary Open database (bSDD) responds to future problems in route data management

Published 19.9.2024

The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency's activities are based on high-quality information and its utilisation One of our visions for 2030 is to build a digital model of the transport network to support transport infrastructure management in the best possible way and a digital twin of the most important sites. This requirement will be met by with the building SMART Data Dictionary (bSDD), a web-based database maintained by building SMART International. The database enables the digital sharing of information on different standards, classifications and specifications.

Kuvituskuva Kehä III:sta yöaikaan.

"Our goal is to promote the flow of information throughout the life cycle of transport infrastructure assets - from planning to construction, maintenance and asset management. bSDD supports this goal by providing a standardised, machine-readable database that enables efficient and uniform distribution of information related to transport infrastructure sites to all service providers," explains Marion Schenkwein, an Infrastructure Modelling Expert at the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency.  

bSDD benefits both in the design and construction phases   

bSDD responds to a number of infrastructure information management needs, enabling the production of high-quality information both internally at the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency and in the processes of partners and service providers. The aim is to compile the technical specifications of structures related to all channel forms, such as data types related to materials, condition, properties and maintenance in a single database. This will facilitate the production, utilisation and monitoring of information.

"bSDD, will help us ensure that data production is easy and that the data produced is of high quality, consistent and compliant," Schenkwein emphasises.

The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency's data library benefits in particular service providers, such as designers, contractors and maintenance providers:

"To date, it has been necessary to e.g. manually compile the characteristics of traffic signs in tables at the planning stage. In the future, compiling and using different specifications data will be easier in both rail traffic and the road traffic. Differing specification data, given to such things as traffic signs or safety devices, will be easier to attribute to the intended object and available for further use. This reduces the chances of human error," says Schenkwein.  

The open database will be tested during the current year in various projects  

During the current year, the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency will test the functionality of the data library in projects such as the following: The Vt4 project for the development of the Äänekoski–Viitasaari road section, the Mynämäki–Vehmaa rail plan project and the construction of the Kitee marshalling track.

"The aim of the tests is to collect experiences from several different perspectives: we want to hear how searching for and supplementing information using bSDD works in practice, for example from a designer's perspective. We are also interested in observations on the capabilities and development targets of the software used. In addition, we will examine the potential needs for changes to the current operating methods arising from the introduction of the data library. Feedback and observations from the testing will enable us to plan the implementation as well as possible," says Schenkwein.

Familiarise yourself with the database and the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency's data libraries.