Development and renovation of the Vainikkala border crossing point

The operation and border control systems of the international border crossing point in Vainikkala, Lappeenranta, were improved by building a new border control station for the Border Guard and by renewing the X-ray scanning equipment used for rail traffic. The crossing point is used only by rail transport. The project, completed in June 2023, was part of the South-East Finland – Russia CBC programme.

Photo of Vainikkala border crossing point terminal in summer 2017

Background to the project

The Vainikkala border control station, located in Lappeenranta, is an international border crossing point on the border between Finland and Russia. The crossing point is used only by rail transport.

On the Russian side, the crossing point is called Louko (Бусловская, Buslovskaja in Russian). In 2019, a total of 656,000 border crossings were recorded at the Vainikkala border crossing point. 

Project costs and funding

The South-East Finland – Russia CBC 2014–2020 is a cross-border cooperation programme aimed at promoting the attractiveness of the region. The programme is funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland.

The ENI CBC (European Neighbourhood Instrument, Cross Border Cooperation) grant funding agreement relating to the development of the Vainikkala border crossing point entered into force between the Managing Authority of the South-East Finland – Russia CBC programme and FTIA on 1 March 2019.

The budget for the development project was EUR 6.39 million, of which the grant covered EUR 5.11 million. The FTIA did not participate in paying the costs but acts as an administrative project manager.

Objectives of the project

The development project of the Vainikkala border crossing point improved the working conditions of the border control staff by building a new border control station and developing the control systems.

The partners in the project were the FTIA, the Finnish Border Guard, Customs and Senate Properties.

Progress of project

The grant funding agreement between the Managing Authority of the South-East Finland – Russia CBC programme and FTIA entered into force on 1 March 2019.

The South-East Finland – Russia CBC 2014–2020 is a cross-border cooperation programme funded by the European Union and Finland.