
Railway project Ongoing Satakunta Pirkanmaa

A train control system is a largely invisible system that ensures the safe passage of trains. It ensures that trains drive at the correct speed and that the train engineer takes into account signs and signals along the track. If necessary, the train will brake automatically and without a train control system, current train traffic will come to a standstill. Without a train control system, the maximum speed of trains is 80 kmph. The system used in Finland was built in the 1990s and finalised in the 2000s.  

The current train control is becoming obsolete and requires reform. The new, replacement system will be implemented in phases across the whole railway network by 2040. Similar work is underway in several European countries and the train control system in use in Finland is compatible with European train control systems. Compatibility ensures that these systems do not cause bottlenecks in train movements in border crossings. A common long-term goal is a so-called single European railway area, where train traffic would operate like air traffic, regardless of national land borders. EU legislation ensures that all Member States commit to a common standard.

Train control systems will be based on the radio network in the future

Common European train control in Finland is based on the radio network, which means that the number of physical safety devices on the railway network will decrease. Communication between the train equipment and train control is carried out in the radio network. The solution has been refined in the laboratory and in testing, and now the work is being put into practice. The first phase is currently being implemented on the line between Tampere and Pori and Rauma, where the system will be used for normal freight and passenger traffic.
The implementation of the replacement system is necessary. Technology has developed significantly since the 1990s, and the reform will bring positive side effects. Radio network-based train control will contribute to a more frequent train service, which means that more capacity can be extracted from the existing network on several lines. With the removal of physical safety equipment, railway traffic will be less sensitive to disruption and the time needed to recover from disruption will be reduced. This means more punctual and predictable travel for passengers. The cyber security of railway systems can be significantly improved by consolidating the entire equipment fleet.

  • Selvitys- ja valmisteluvaihe
  • Kehitys- ja verifiointivaihe
  • Hankinta- ja toteutusvaihe 2028
  • Hankkeen päätös 2040

Basic information of the project

Fintraffic, HSL, LVM, Traficom, VR, muut raideliikenteen harjoittajat
1,5 miljardia

Hankkeessa toteutetaan junien kulunvalvonta.

Project progress

The reforming of the train control system applies to the entire state-administered railway network, which is almost 6,000 km long. The project is huge, which means that the implementation will progress in stages between 2028 and 2040. The project will have an impact on the entire rail transport sector, as the system on board the trains will be upgraded and train engineers and traffic controllers will be trained. 

The railway infrastructure systems of the train control reform will be implemented jointly by the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency and Fintraffic. The total cost of the project is approx. EUR 1.5 billion, which includes the share of investments worth EUR 250 million made by rolling stock owners. The project has so far received around EUR 100 million in EU funding. 

More information on website: digirata.fi 

X: @Digirata_fi

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