From this page you can download results from the 2010 - 2011 National Travel Survey as Excel files.
In some tables there is also data from the 1998 - 1999 and 2004 - 2005 studies that can be used for comparisons. These surveys are relatively well comparable as the research methods and definitions have mostly remained unchanged.
Excel result files are available for the themes listed below.
- Overview: key mobility figures for domestic and international trips, comparison to previous studies 1998-1999 and 2004-2005, use of modes, distributions of the number of daily trips, total daily travel distance and total daily travel time, trip purposes
- Modes: 2 files: 1) mode according to driving license and age, driving licence and sex, driving license, age and sex, car use possibility, number of cars in household, distance to public transport stop or station; 2) group size on passenger car trips
- Socio-economic background: mode and trip purpose according to age and sex, age and landuse type, summer cottage possession, Internet use and Internet shopping, remote work
- Geographic variations: key mobility figures according to municipality group or region
- Temporal variations: key mobility figures according to month, day of week, hour of departure (also on different days of week)
- Long trips: over 100 km long domestic and international trips by mode and purpose, destinations on regional level
These files can be downloaded from the left-hand side of this page (usually by using the right mouse button and selecting ‘Save as’ or 'Save Target As') and used as needed. Each file contains the base results in tabular form.
The amount of observations used for each result is always given. The trip count is reasonably reliable if there are over 1000 observations. Reliable estimates for trip length and time generally require over 400 trip observations.