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Regional Contracts


Leppävaara–Kera (RC1)

The first regional contract of the Espoo Rail Line project covers the area between Leppävaara, Kilo and Kera stations. The contractor for the project is GRK Finland Oy. 

In the project, two new tracks are built between Leppävaara and Kilo. When completed, the two southernmost tracks on the Leppävaara–Kilo track section will be used for frequent urban rail traffic and the two northernmost tracks have been reserved for the needs of faster commuter traffic and long-distance traffic in the Turku direction. This will improve the flow of commuter and long-distance traffic.

In addition, the contract includes several bridge building projects (e.g. Säterinpuisto, Kilonpuistoonportti, Kilo station tunnel, Lansa, Dreija and Kera). Furthermore, the Leppävaara, Kilo and Kera stations will be renovated. In addition to the contents of the actual track project, the contract also includes building structures for the Rantaradanbaana with funding from the cities of Espoo and Kauniainen.


Kauniainen (RC2)

The second regional contract of the Espoo Rail Line project focuses on the Kauniainen station area. The contractor for the project is a consortium of YIT and NRC Group Finland. 

The contract involves building subgrade reinforcements, such as bored pile walls and support walls, track substructures and superstructures, and catenary system work. Alterations will also be made at Kauniainen station. In addition, several bridges will be built as part of the contract (e.g. Kera underpass, Hiidenpolunsilta bridge, Kauniainen overpass and underpass). The contract also includes construction and improvement of walking and cycling routes. 


Koivuhovi–Espoo Centre (RC3)

The third regional contract of the Espoo Rail Line project covers the area between the stations of Koivuhovi, Tuomarila and Espoo Centre. This regional contract lasts the longest of all contracts in the entire Espoo Rail Line project. The contractor is Destia Oy. 

The contract involves building 4.5 kilometres of new double track and repairing and building a total of nine bridges. The contract also includes excavation and subgrade reinforcement work, lighting-technical work and construction of pedestrian and cycling routes and noise barriers. Destia also carries out improvement work in Koivuhovi and Tuomarila station areas as well as roadworks, water supply and sewerage building, and green work related to the contract area. 


Excavation contract

The excavation contract of the Espoo Rail Line project is located in the vicinity of the residential area of Kaupunginkallio between Kauklahti and Espoo Centre. 
The excavation contract involves, among other things, open excavation, crushing and removal of rock material, constructing structural layers of the track, support walls and maintenance roads and cable routes and laying foundations. The most important work sites for the excavation contract are the widening of the rock cuttings in the Kaupunginkallio area and the construction of a new railway tunnel next to the current one. All rock crushed in the course of the contract will be used in regional contracts of the Espoo Rail Line.

The excavation work began in April 2024, and it is estimated to last until the end of July 2025. The rock from the excavation work will be transported from the work site to Kera, where it is crushed at the address Karapellontie 13.  Earth moving and crushing will continue until the end of 2024.


Kauklahti (RC4)

The fourth regional contract of the Espoo Rail Line project is a track section of approximately four kilometres, starting after Espoonväylä and extending to Kauklahti. The area partly overlaps with a separate excavation contract.

The contract involves, for example, track work, subgrade reinforcement work (pile slabs, bored pile walls, support walls, stabilisation) and bridge work at different sites: on the new Espoonjoki railway bridge, Vadetinportti underpasses, Vantinportti underpass and Kauppamäenkäytävä underpass. The contract also includes the alterations in the Kauklahti station area, construction of the Rantaradanbaana and other roadworks, and railing and lighting work.

The construction work under the fourth regional contract has not yet begun. A separate announcement will be given on its launch.