The four updated strategic goals are:
- renewed ecosystem for mobility and transport
- reliable digital services and greater operational efficiency
- services based on a well-functioning and safe infrastructure
- skilled professionals and an innovative organisational culture
- This update brings the Finnish Transport Agency's strategy in line with that of the administrative branch. Especially the enabling role of the FTA is seen as something new: The Finnnish Transport Agency in a role where it enables the creation of new services, says Development Director Sinikka Hartonen, who is responsible for the strategy process.
The improved energy efficiency in traffic and the piloting to promote traffic automation play an important role.
An active dialogue between the private and public sector is also emphasized.
- The Finnish Transport Agency has a very large customer base. Our target groups comprise business life as well as private citizens. Lately, the dialogue with the different target groups has been further activated. In Autumn, more than 650 different companies responded to our enquiry concerning the repair needs of the transport infrastructure. This material has been utilised for example when the maintenance backlog objects were selected. An active dialogue will tell us what our customers need, says Director General Antti Vehviläinen of the Finnish Transport Agency.
The basis for everything is a well-functioning and safe transport infrastructure, i.e. the roads, railway network and fairways for which the Finnish Transport Agency is responsible. The utilisation of digitalisation is playing an increasingly prominent role in all the activities of the Finnish Transport Agency.
- It is involved in the whole lifecycle from planning to infrastructure management. For the railways, for example, digitalisation opens up wholly new opportunities, says Antti Vehviläinen.
The updated goals pose a challenge also for the personnel. Therefore the Finnish Transport Agency depends on skilled people and an innovative company culture. The Finnish Transport Agency encourages a culture of experimentation to promote a flexible development of new procedures and services.
Further information:
Development Director Sinikka Hartonen, phone +358 29 534 3942, [email protected]