Kolu Canal
Kymijoki River Basin
Keitele-Iisvesi-Pielavesi route
Nautical chart: 452
Permitted vessel dimensions
70 x 7.5 x 2.4 x 5.5 [m]
(Length x width x draught x height)
Mooring: Moving bollards.
Difference in water level: 4.50 - 4.55 metres
The canal connects Nilakka and Rasvang. The 2100 m-long canal was built in 1892-95, and renewed in 1973-76. The clearance for the fixed bridge that crosses the canal is 5.5 metres.
Self-service lock. When approaching from below, the self-service stater cord and instructions for its use are on the right side, when approaching from above, these are on the upper canal’s pier to the right.
Please note: Drive into the lock under the rising gate.
Contact information for the canal
GSM 0400-152,904
Self-service canal.