Other Travel Surveys
Links to National Travel Surveys after the year 2000
Denmark |
TU | Transportvaneundersøgelsen DTU Transport |
Sweden |
RES 2005-2006 |
Den nationella resvaneundersökningen Statistiska Centralbyrån. Statens institut för kommunikationsanalys (SIKA) |
The United Kingdom |
NTS | National Travel Survey National Statistics. Department for Transport (DfT). NTS factsheets |
Norway |
RVU 2009 |
Den nasjonale reisevaneundersøkelsen Transportøkonomisk institutt (TOI) 2013/14 Norwegian Travel Survey - key results 2009 Norwegian Travel Survey - key results 2005 Norwegian Travel Survey - key results |
The Netherlands | OVG 1985-2003, MON 2004-2009, OViN 2010-, (MPN 2013-?) |
Shortly in English Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid (SWOV) Onderzoek Verplaatsingen in Nederland (OViN) Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) [Besides OViN mobility panel Mobiliteitspanel Nederland (MPN), see in English description and article.] Mobiliteitsonderzoek Nederland (MON) Presentation: MON the Dutch Travel Survey Onderzoek verplaatsingsgedrag (OVG) Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) |
Germany |
KONTIV, MiD 2002, MiD 2008, MiD 2016 |
Mobilität in Deutschland (MiD) see also BMVI-info ja MiD2016 BMVI-info infas, Berlin. DIW, Bonn. German Ministry for Transport, Building and Housing Datalouhimo Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) [Mobility panel Deutsches Mobilitätspanel (MOP), info and data] |
Switzerland |
Mobilität in der Schweiz Mobilität 2010 Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE) |
NHTS | National Household Travel Survey Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) |
Australia |
State wide surveys, for example
New Zealand |
HTS | The New Zealand Household Travel Survey Ministry of Transport Continuous travel survey using new technologies (GPS and online forms) from October 2015 Continuous survey of personal travel 2003-2014 (information collected in a face to face interview) |