Other Travel Surveys

Links to National Travel Surveys after the year 2000

TU Transportvaneundersøgelsen  
DTU Transport

RES 2005-2006
RVU 2011-2014

Den nationella resvaneundersökningen
Statistiska Centralbyrån. Statens institut för kommunikationsanalys (SIKA)
The United Kingdom
NTS National Travel Survey
National Statistics. Department for Transport (DfT). 
NTS factsheets

RVU 2009
RVU 2013-2014

Den nasjonale reisevaneundersøkelsen
Transportøkonomisk institutt (TOI)
2013/14 Norwegian Travel Survey - key results 
2009 Norwegian Travel Survey - key results 
2005 Norwegian Travel Survey - key results 
The Netherlands OVG 1985-2003,
MON 2004-2009,
OViN 2010-,
(MPN 2013-?)
Shortly in English
Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid (SWOV)

Onderzoek Verplaatsingen in Nederland (OViN)
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS)

[Besides OViN mobility panel Mobiliteitspanel Nederland (MPN), see in English description and article.]  
Mobiliteitsonderzoek Nederland (MON)
Presentation: MON the Dutch Travel Survey
Onderzoek verplaatsingsgedrag (OVG)
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS)
MiD 2002,
MiD 2008,
MiD 2016
Mobilität in Deutschland (MiD)
see also BMVI-info ja MiD2016 BMVI-info
infas, Berlin. DIW, Bonn. German Ministry for Transport, Building and Housing
Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)

[Mobility panel Deutsches Mobilitätspanel (MOP), info and data]
  Mobilität in der Schweiz

Mobilität 2010
Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE)
NHTS National Household Travel Survey 
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)   
  State wide surveys, for example  State transport agencies. Also a nationwide survey has been recommended, for example in this conference paper from 2011.
New Zealand
HTS The New Zealand Household Travel Survey
Ministry of Transport  
Continuous travel survey using new technologies (GPS and online forms) from October 2015 
Continuous survey of personal travel 2003-2014 (information collected in a face to face interview)