Operability of transportation routes to be secured

Published 17.3.2020

The operability of the transportation network will be secured even under challenging conditions. The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency follows the central government’s common policies, and the ability of the agency’s partners to limit the spread of the coronavirus in critical activities will be ensured as extensively as possible.

The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency's personnel have been urged to work from home as much as possible so that we can ensure our operating capacity even in these extraordinary circumstances.

The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency has rearranged meetings with stakeholders so that these are no longer face-to-face meetings but virtual meetings. Seminars and the sector’s other events have been postponed or cancelled.

As no public events are being organised for the time being, public consultation in connection with projects will be arranged, for example, with virtual technologies.

Transport customer service will operate normally at https://liikenne.palautevayla.fi/ or via telephone, contact details https://www.ely-keskus.fi/web/ely/liikenteen-asiakaspalvelu1. Problems related to road traffic that are acute or require immediate repair should be reported as usual to the Phone line for road users at +358 200 2100 (24/7). The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency and its projects’ channels (websites, social media channels) will continue to serve transport users normally.

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